Direct mail, a medium that can effectively target by demographics and geographic locations, is still a powerful and effective medium. Impact has used this time-tested approach to reach customers directly in a variety of industries ranging from manufacturing to the most intense and competitive retail categories. Our experience in direct mail has even extended to hundreds of thousands of mailers sent to individual political party candidates, with customized political platform messages depending on where a voter lives. We can make all of this work for your company.
Impact can customize your message with something called variable data, too. A successful direct mail requires three core elements: a list of qualified recipients, an attractive or clever mailer to get their attention, and a compelling offer with a call to action. Impact Advertising will help you deliver and execute all three with cost-effective and proven techniques.
It takes a talented creative team to understand all possible executions of advertising and how to work design and copy to be formatted and maximized. Fortunately, we have such a team. And when you become our client, you will have full use of us all.
We geo-target the areas you want your message delivered to, from grouping large zip code areas to selecting individual carrier routes. Need homeowners? Or maybe an income level?
Do you want to reach people of a certain age, gender, or region? Impact Advertising has the knowledge and capabilities to funnel your advertising directly and specifically to the consumers you’re after.
Variable Data is the text on a direct mail piece reads with YOUR customer’s name or other relevant data inside the mailer as part of a headline or sub text. The possibilities are virtually endless but the important basic elements remain the same.