Impact Adds to Creative Team

August 3, 2016    

How do we do it? Impact is proven successful time after time thanks to fresh faces like these. Meet Ethan Bierly and Kayla Maselkevich, the newest members to Impact’s already amazing creative team.

About Ethan 

Ethan is one of Impact’s graphic designers, as well as one heck of a photographer. As a Lycoming College graduate, Ethan’s strongest attribute is most likely his innate ability to take the mundane and make it unique and exciting. Ethan’s “go-getter” attitude is what keeps our clients here at Impact satisfied and happy. He’ll do whatever it takes to give the client the best product he can provide.





About Kayla

Kayla is Impact’s Videographer and production editor. There is a never dull moment when Kayla has the camera! Kayla is a Kutztown University graduate with the drive and passion Impact and their clients need in an everyday environment. We literally, searched for months for a person with the right talent and skill set that matches our business model and client’s needs. Now we have that person and our clients are just thrilled.














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