Print Advertising From The Best In The Area
IMPACT PRINT PRODUCTION Have your print make an Impact.

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Print Production with Impact.

So you need materials anything from newspaper ads to business cards. If its printed, we can make it; from design and copywriting to placement or wholesale printing, we have the knowledge, the creativity (award winning no less), and the experience to produce what ever it is you need. A client once told us, “You know, I can flip through a publication and find your ads every time.” We responded with, “Oh no, please don’t tell me you think they all look the same!” And he came back with, “No, it’s not that at all, you just find the BEST print ads in the publication, and those are the Impact Advertising ads.”

At Impact Advertising, we produce high quality printed materials. We have experience advertising locally, regionally, and nationally. We can get you the best deals, and have the knowledge to place your advertising in the publications that will have the most Impact.

Newspapers and Magazines still command a very specific readership. The rumors of the demise of Newspapers is greatly exaggerated. Yes, major urban cities with 2 or more major daily newspapers have suffered, but middle to small town local newspapers have flourished. They provide the local news about the school system, local taxes, weddings, obituaries and local sports that keep families subscribing to the papers year in and year out. Specialty Magazines whether about cooking, fine wines, automotive, science, or computers all command large advertising dollars. Partly because they deliver a very specific targeted customer and they often have the demographic research about their readers to support their rates. Business Journals or Magazines are another excellent source of media, depending on your business and targeted market, of course. Our creative for display advertising is award-winning. Please take full advantage of it.

There has never been more drivers on the roads of the USA than there are today. 50 years ago, families had 1 car and 1 land-line phone. Today, everyone has a cell phone and everyone over the age of 16 has a car to drive. And as everyone drives, they see your billboards. Though billboards do allow detailed messaging, they are excellent for brand and image building, as well as promotional advertising.

No matter what media you use for advertising, everything starts with your identity and logo design. Our designers realize that a good logo is not only attractive and communicative, but adaptable to any and all media uses. Its design aspects must work in a wide spectrum of applications and usages. Browse our portfolio for just a few examples of our successful logos.

Brochures, Business Cards, Folders, Annual Reports, Letterhead, Stationary and on and on. Every piece of your collateral literature, whether used for sales and marketing or operations, must reflect and reinforce your brand and image. We specialize in creating continuity amongst all your marketing materials so your image will always be the same in print, on air, through the internet or on video.

Not only do we excel at the design and implementation of signs, banners and posters, but we have in-house printing capabilities for all of these items. We can literally print everything from vinyl cling and sign magnets to 50 foot banners!

We design and specify trade show exhibits for our clients all the time and always with an understanding of the image and brand identity of our client. Never what some manufacturer want to force you into buying. It’s all part of our awarding winning creative service that everyone of our clients is afforded.